Why see a Podiatrist?

Here is a great article about feet, written by one of the experienced Podiatrists at MSE Podiatry, Nicole Sutcliffe. They have rooms at Emerald and Monbulk.  Feet are incredibly important, not just for themselves, but when not working correctly they can potentially cause problems with knees, hips and your back.  Pilates is great for your feet, we pay particular attention in making them strong and flexible.  But sometimes they need additional help.  


Why See a Podiatrist?

Our feet must carry us a lifetime and we only have one pair! It’s often not until a person experiences foot pain or discomfort that they realize how important our feet actually are to our overall wellbeing and mobility. So why see a Podiatrist?

Podiatrists are health professionals that diagnose, prevent, treat and rehabilitate conditions relating to the feet and lower limbs. Some common podiatric complaints that bring people through the clinic door are; dry cracked heels, thickened/ discoloured toenails (onychauxis), painful in-grown toenails, chilblains, digital deformities, gout, fungal nail infections (onychomycosis), warts (papilloma/verruca pedis), footwear issues, involuted nails, blisters, osteoarthritis, bunions/hammer toes, foot odour and Tinea Pedis (athletes foot) to name a few.

A podiatrist frequently deals with sporting related injuries, including Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Patello-femoral Joint Syndrome, Sever’s disease, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprains, football/basketball injuries, running problems, knee, hip & back pain, hamstring & quadracepts pain, ankle, heel and arch pain. A gait analysis will be undertaken to assess walking pattern and foot function which determines if your biomechanics are a contributing factor in the presenting injury. Podiatrists are trained to prescribe orthotics, which may be either off the shelf or custom-moulded devices worn in your shoes to assist in realigning foot and lower limb imbalances and prevent further injury.

Paediatrics is another area that Podiatrists play a role in by treating children that complain of sore heels and arches, aching tired legs and feet, sore knees after sport, flat feet, rolling-in ankles, knocked/bowed legs, toe walking, in-toeing or out-toeing whilst walking, tripping over etc. If we can detect these issues at a relatively young age, there is a greater possibility of correction to prevent structural lower limb complications in adulthood.

If you have Diabetes, it’s important to see a podiatrist as it often contributes to poor circulation and nerve damage. Podiatrists routinely undergo simple neurovascular (diabetic) assessments in all people that present with diabetes using a Doppler Ultrasound and standard neurological testing instruments. Podiatrists therefore play a crucial role in early intervention by identifying people at risk of diabetic foot complications.

So if you or your children/family are suffering from any foot or lower limb issues mentioned above, know that there is a podiatrist that can help you! Comfortable feet are essential for encouraging a person’s activity and overall sense of wellbeing.

Healthy feet are happy feet! Happy feet is active living!

By Nicole Sutcliffe. (B.Pod.,M.A.Pod.A.)         

PODIATRIST- MSE Podiatry, Emerald.


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